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No One Lives Forever - SPEEDRUN
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NOLF No one lives forever Speedrun
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Dec 27, 2008

No One Lives Forever

SuperSpy difficulty (Hardest)
62 segments. 2h10min
26 Dec 2008.
Player: Jonas "D-13" Mellberg

The Assignment

Scene 1, 2 and 3

Not much to say. Just try and cut corners short for optimal speed.

Misfortune in Morocco

Scene 1

At first you get 3 options on how you wanna do the first sniping part.
The only diffrent in the choises is how the enemys act.
First choice. Enemys come one at a time, and Bruno tell you were they come.
Second choise. Same as first, but Bruno shut up.
Third choice. Same as second, but multiple enemys may enter the screen at the
same time, they are also more.
The time is the same for any of the choises. There's no way to do it faster.
I miss some shots, but this dosen't matter, since it's on a set timer.

When he leaves in the car you could think why I'm not just running along.
That's becouse when the the cutscene is skipped, the player is automaticaly
reset at the window.

Scene 2

First part you simply run to Bruno. Since this is on SuperSpy difficulty it's pretty
much impossible to run past any enemys with out dying.
Towards the end of first part I screw up with some enemys, missing some bullets.
I have to slow down some and take them out so I don't loose too much health.

Second part you run from Bruno and set off explosives as well as rescue civilians.
This part I have to kill the enemys or else the kill the civilians and mission is failed.
Towards the end I have to slow down and use the sniper, so I don't loose too much health.
The position of the civilians is random. Sometimes the last one to save is on the balcony.
This would make this part a little faster, but there is no way to tell at the beginning
what setup you get.

Scene 3

I start low on health from the previous scene and have to start easy with the sniper rifle.
The rest is pretty straight forward. This time I can run away from most enemys pretty good.
Nice shortcut jumping on the lamp at the end.

Scene 4

The first part is random. Sometimes there is 2 guards, sometimes 3.
Again, this isen't you can control or tell at the start of the mission.
If you get 2, of course, you also do it faster.

Then I use a map-exploit. I simply slide up the mountain and walk over it.
This saves me alot of time and alot of hastle with enemys further down the road.
Last part I take heavy damage before exiting the level.
This is the last scene of the mission and my ending health dosen't matter.
(Since I start with full health on the next mission.)

Requiem for a Spy

There is a couple of Training missions in this game that you simply can't skip.
I'll comment some of them, but mostly there's not much to say.
Just listen to what the guy says... wait for the gadget... use it... move on...

Berlin by night

Scene 1

First part is pretty straight forward. Simply do the tasks as fast as possible and skip the cutscenes.
Second part is also pretty straight forward. Run and gun without taking too much damage.
If I don't slow down at some parts and take out the towers, for instance, I'm dead.

Scene 2

The position of the explosives are random. Some placements could be faster then other.
But again, there is no way to tell what setup you get, so you just have to hope for the best and do
as fast as you can with what you're given.

Scene 3

The placement of the armor is random. Some places are faster then other.
(But I need it so I have to get it.) Rest of map is straight forward.

Unepected Turbulence

Scene 1 and 2

Did these in one segment. Not very hard scenes and they're pretty short.
Besically be more aggresive then the enemy and make sure to shoot first 
Grabbing the armor at the toilet is needed.
Glad I caught the falling passenger... that's just so hilarious.

Care to Explain?

No comment.

Rendezvous in Hamburg

Scene 1

At the beginning I have to wait for the girl to talk to the guard before I can sneak inside.
In the office I have to wait for the camera to move, the alarm may not sound, or the mission is failed.

Scene 2

Basically just run and gun. At the end I missed to jump on the railing and then
down the water, but I saved it pretty well.

Visit to Santa's Workshop

Pretty much the only practice level that there's an exploit on.
Jump on the padlocks and over the door. Second gadget you don't need to use to complete
the level. (From here on you can skip most of the gadgets and simply move on.)

A Tenuous Lead

Scene 1

I wanna avoid having the alarm to go off at the start, so I go easy with the sniper.
(If the alarm go off It get's over run with enemys that kill me on the spot.)
Besideds picking the lock takes just as long or even longer then sniping the guards.

There is a lever to push that removes the green toxic stuff.
I just go fast in and out and grab the valve I need. (I don't loose much health anyway.)

Scene 2

Just run and gun and nevermind the alarm.
The placement of the explosives are yet again random.
I got the optimal placement in the recording.

Scene 3

There is some places here that might seem as if I go a little slow.
That's becouse I don't have to rush this scene.
There is a container at the end that I have to wait for and this always come
at the same time.

Scene 4

There is some side-objectives on this one that I simply skip.
Got a little stuck on one ladder, other then that it whent just great.

Scene 5

Only level that bunny hopping helps.
The water slow you down and jumping helps you go faster.

H.A.R.M.'s Premise

No comments.

The Dive

Scene 1

Not much to say. Run and gun.

Scene 2

Use a map exploit and slide up the roof.
This is kind of tricky and I fail my first try.
Last couple of guards on the balcony must be killed before
you can open the next door.

Scene 3

I can't swim straight for the hatch. If I do the sharks will get me.
The rest is pretty much just swiming the correct way and avoid getting
killed by the enemys.

If Our Demands Are Not Met

No comments.

A Man of Influence

Scene 1

One of the maps that the alarm musten go off, or the mission is failed.
Theres are among the hardest levels in the game to run.
This is probably the easiest of them.

Scene 2

Again, the alarm musten go off, or else you fail.
This is one of the hardest maps to run. Lots of cameras and alot
of guards that sound the alarm if you make too much noise.
That calls me to use the sniperrifle extensivly in this scene.
(Only at the end I make some noice, to lure the remaining two guards
towards me)

Nice little gap in the window at the beginning let me use the lever
without having to wait for Tom to take out one of the guards.
This saves me alot of time. The rest is just straight forward.

Scene 3

Just plain boring scene and you can't skip it.
There are two possible outcomes from this intervju.

1. You talk to the Baron alot about his hunting explorations.
This makes him feel good about you and he tells you the secret about
the invisible beams in his safe (in the next scene).

2. You talk about the things he find boring.
The outcome is that he dosen't spill the secret about his safe.

Both result in that you finish the scene.
The second outcome is about 2min faster becouse the Baron
talk less in his answers. This is the one I recorded (of course)

Further Investigation Required

No comments.


Scene 1

Nothing to say realy.
Just run and gun as fast as possible.

Scene 2

First Boss in the game. Inga wagner.
If she get's too close to you, she kills you in one blow.
The hard part here is realy the guards popping out from time to time.
The rest is just turning of her music and activating the electricity.

Scene 3

Pretty stright forward.
At the end I jump straight down to the crane and save some time.

Scene 4

Also just straight forward. Trying to  avoid getting shot.

Scene 5

Here I have to pick up 8 inteligence items to finish the scene.
These are placed random (as before with the explosives on some mission.)
At the end I have to pick the codebreaker up since I need it in the
next scene to save time.

Scene 6

One of the harder levels. If the guards dosen't kill you before reaching the safe
the acid, set off by the lasers, probably will... and then you have do do it all
over again.

An Ounce of Hope, A Pound of Despair

No comments.

Rescue Attempt

Scene 1

I have to wait at the toilet for the conductor the pass, or else I fail the mission.
Not much more to say about it. It's just going back and forth in the train
doing diffrent tasks... before run and gun at the end.

Scene 2

When running at the traintrack at the beginning there is a bug in the map
that makes the player stop just brefly. Kind of annoying.
At the end when I ride the motorcykle I run on the grass to avoid beeing shot.
If I go too close to the enemies, they kill me or hurt me enough, so I can't make the last part
with the helecopter.

Scene 3

Jumping over the walkway save some time.
Alot of enemys that I have to take out or else I'm dead right away.
After going down the elevator, I use the Grenade launcher, to clear
out some enemies so I will have it easier towards the end. 

A Stern Warning

No comment.

Trouble in the Tropics

Scene 1

Jumping in the water make me go alittle faster. Next we have a nice trick.
By shooting the Grenade launcher through the window
at the right angle, I destroy the radio equipment right away.
(Normaly you use the codebreaker to open the door, and that take alot of time.)
At the end I must not forget to pick up the codebreaker, couse I need it
in one of the next scenes to save time.

Scene 2

Lots of enemys. The snipers in the towers takes you out with only 1-3 bullets.
The rest is pretty much just run and gun.
At the end I have to stop and kill the three guards on the hill or else they kill me
when I'm using the zipcord. (This is actually possible to pass without them
ever noticing you, but It's highly unpredicable and if it fails you have to start
all over, it's just not worth it.)

Scene 3

Alot of enemies that is very though. (and if they kill you you have to do the
whole "welding" part again, and again, and...)
A couple of Grenade shots clear most of them out.
Then I finish the last ones with the machinegun.
Before I exit I also wanna make sure I select the harpoon
since I need to have it selected in the next scene.

Scene 4

One of the hardest levels. Do not sound the alarm or else fail.
The harpoon is ready and the only weapon you can use.
Waiting for the conversation to finish, I show you a little map exploit, just for fun.

The very end is the hardest and in the recording I just barely made it.
You can see one of the guards running down the stairs.
This guy going to sound the alarm. Another guard come right at me, but I spear him.
And just as the first guard is about to sound the alarm, I jump over the railing and
spear him. Talk about last second save.

Low Earth Orbit

Scene 1

Pretty hard level. The first part is pretty easy. Few enemies.
Then when moving back down it get's harder. Alot more enemies and you can't take many hits.

Scene 2

If your too slow, when jumping back up in the elevator shaft, some of the leadges you jump on
will break. But it's a pretty easy level.

Good Luck and God Speed

No comment.

Alpine Intrique

Scene 1

Normaly you have to follow the baroness all to the end and wait for her to open the gate to the end.
But I have a nice trick up my sleeve, at the end that saves me a couple of minutes, in this scene.
Just watch it... It's pretty self explainatory.

Scene 2

One of the hardest maps. Can't let that alarm go off.
At the beginning I use the machingun to make alot of noise.
By that I lure most enemies towards me and I can kill them far away from any camera
that might spot their bodies.

On this level I also use the coin at two points to lure the enemies attention away from me.
At the end I have to wait for the camera to move before moving forward.

Scene 3

At the end I use a map exploit again to cut over the mountain.
Saves me some time.

Scene 4

Could be the hardest level of them all. It's very long and you're very vulnerable on the snowmobile.
That's why I have to stop at many times to take out the enemy's.
I'm a little disapointed on how the last bridge with enemies whent. A couple of shots are missed.
But a good start and a good ending compansate for this little mistake I think.

At the end I use yet again a wall walking map exploit.
This place dosen't only let me skip a pretty big part of the map, that include alot of enemies
but it also let me get to the exit, without ever using the cablecart.
There is alot of killboxes at the end, that's why I don't move straight down to the exit.
(You can even hear me taking damage from a killbox just as I exit the scene.)

The Indomitable Cate Archer

Scene 1

At the start I fall down without damage by hitting the railing below.
There's also padlocked gate I jump over at one point.
Then it's just run and gun. 

Scene 2

Bossfight nr.2. Magnus Armstrong.
This is a nice trick, although a little cruel, poor Armstrong.
I first thought about beating him normaly, fair and square but since this is speedrunning, this is
by far the fastest way I can beat him. (There is another pretty fast and easy way where
you lure him into the bed area, stand on the bed and hit him from there.)
I seriously doubt anyone has seen or done it the way I beat him though.
(Atleast I've never heard about anyone beating him the way I do.)
Just watch the show.

The rest of the map is pretty straight forward.

Scene 3

Here I start by right away shooting a couple of things from the elevator.
Most importantly I shoot out the camera. This makes the alarm go off, but since I'm not at the
ground yet, the enemies don't move couse they can't detect me.
This makes it easy for me when I enter the door and kill the three guards (that normaly run out
and spank ones ass).

On the way to the antidote, I stop by some stairs, shoot a little.
This is so I can lure the upcoming enemies to one place to be easely killed.

Scene 4

Not much to say. Just run and gun as useual.
A little short on ammo, that's why I use the revolver at the beginning.
Wanna save the machingun ammo to the end (that is the hardest).

A Very Large Explosion

Scene 1

Another realy hard one. Here you also fight the Elite guards.
If they get some shots of you're in trouble. The first one goes down realy fast.
Lost some time at the last two elite guards when going back for the armor but
I realy needed it, those girls are not to play with.
Nice little map exploit at the end let me jump right up to the exit.
Saves me 20-30sec atleast.

Scene 2

Not very hard untill the end when you fight Volkov.
Nice trick that let me exit the cart and walk on the mountain saves me both health and time.
There is a couple of helecopters that never get's activated by this.

Third Bossfight. Volkov is a bitch. If you don't run right away he killes you straight away.
And it's back to rideing that bloody cart once again... or in my case walking the mountain.
But when you get to the gun it's basically just a matter of not peeking out too much
and make sure your bullets hit.

Such is the Nature of Revenge

Scene 1

Bossfight 4. The Baroness. If you realy can call her that.
She can't take many bullets and it all comes down to getting the pedestrians off the street
before she explodes.

Scene 2

Bossfight 5 and the last level of the original version of the game.
Turns out Tom wasen't Tom at all. If he hit you, you loose your aim and lose time.
So you wanna avoid his bullets at all cost.
Standing back and taking good cover seals the deal.
He can't take much.

Rest and Relaxation - Extra Mission in GOTY-edition.

Scene 1

Nothing special. Just run and gun and avoid the bullets.

Scene 2

This is probably the trick I'm most happy with.
By making a very hard jump at the beginning I can access the roof and then enter the mountain.
Walking over the mountain saves me the trouble of having to deal with alot of enemies and it
saves me alot of time... probably 2-3minutes.

Scene 3

Very hard level. Take alot of damage almost all the time. Alot of enemies.
As you can see towards the end I don't have much health left.

Scene 4

Pretty straight forward. I make a nice jump over the brige that normaly fall down in the lava.
This make me skip a small portion of he level. Then it's just on to the end.

And that's the end of the game. Hope you enjoyed it.